Events / 7/25 | NYSH Field Days – Freeville, NY – Thompson Research Farm

7/25 | NYSH Field Days – Freeville, NY – Thompson Research Farm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

July 25 2022 Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Field Day in Freeville NY


Tools and Tactics for Soil and Weed Management in Vegetable Production

Come to the Cornell Organic Research Farm in Freeville, NY to get updates on the latest research in weed management, cover crops, and reduced tillage and interact with researchers and other farmers. Learn about methods that help production while improving soil health and making your farm more climate resilient.


Topics will include:

  • new need control technologies
  • weeds and climate change
  • long-term effects of tarping
  • soil health across different cropping systems
  • comparison of different mulch types
  • cover crop breeding


Snacks and Dinner provided. The event is free but please pre-register by 7/15/22 to ensure there is enough food.


The New York Soil Health Working Group and the New York Soil Health Initiative announce the 2022 Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Field Day Series. Running from May-August, the statewide series can be found from Long Island to Western NY, Northern NY, and Central and Eastern NY.


“In collaboration with local farmers and partners, we are delivering region-specific information on current challenges and advancements in soil health practices,” said Deborah Aller, extension associate with the Cornell Soil Health Program.


Online registration is required for all events. A few events will have a small registration fee to support costs associated with the event.


Credits offered: DEC


Agenda (may change):


3:00 – 3:10 pm Welcome and Introductions


Two groups rotate between stations


3:15 – 3:40 pm TOPIC 1 (Weed Technology-Lynn Sosnoskie) and TOPIC 2 (Weeds and Climate Change -Caroline Marschner)


3:45 – 4:10 pm TOPIC 1 (Weed Technology-Lynn Sosnoskie) and TOPIC 2 (Weeds and Climate Change -Caroline Marschner)


4:15 – 4:50 pm TOPIC 3/TOPIC 4 (No till vegetables, tarping and soil ecology- Ryan Maher and Kyle Wickings


4:50 – 5:00 pm BREAK – drinks/snacks served (NYSH provide) south of Org09


5:00 – 5:25 pm NYSH – benchmarking/characterization work, soil health trailer? near ORG9


Two groups rotate between stations


5:30 – 5:55 pm TOPIC 5 (Mulching and weed management- Bryan Brown) and TOPIC 6 (Cover crop breeding and cover crops for hemp- Virginia Moore)


6:00 – 6:25 pm TOPIC 5 (Mulching and weed management- Bryan Brown) and TOPIC 6 (Cover crop breeding and cover crops for hemp- Virginia Moore)


6:30 – 7:00 pm Light Food and Networking