venn diagram showing intersection of biological physical and chemical soil health characteristicsNew publication by the Cornell Soil Health Team explores genomic traits of bacterial bioindicators and the environment-wide associations of bacteria in agricultural soils, providing ecological insights and illustrating tight coupling of microbiome & soil function. 



Farmer chops alfalfa for hay. Dairy cropping systems that include alfalfa, a perennial legume, in the rotation help the soil improve in between corn silage production.How Finger Lakes farms can help soil and save money by Judy Wright of Cornell Cooperative Extension Seneca County 
in the Auburn Citizen.



Dave Magos - Dairy FarmerOur video of Dave Magos was featured in No-Till Farmer Highlights.

“As Long As We Own This Field, I Will Never Plow It Again,” said Dave Magos who farms 2200 acres at Morning Star Farm in Jefferson County, NY.



Person wearing a camel colored sweater typing on a laptop. Only hands and torso are in view.NYS farm employer input needed! Cornell Agricultural Workforce Development is seeking farmer input for a NYS farm labor survey.